Selected Publications

Bailey J.F., Curran P., Beckerman D., Lotz J.C., and Burch S. "Dynamic Sagittal Balance Associates With Patient Reported Disability In Adult Spinal Deformity Population", In: Orthopedic Research Society, Annual Meeting. 2018.

Bailey J.F., Curran P., Beckerman D., Lotz J.C., and Burch S. Dynamic sagittal balance associates with patient reported disability in adult spinal deformity population. In: International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Annual Meeting. 2018.

Seko S, Matthew RP, Bajcsy R, Lotz JC. A functional method for generating individualized spine models from motion-capture data. 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE; 2018 Jul; 

Matthew RP, Bailey J, Seko S, Curran P, Feeley B, Cheng LY, O’Reilly O, Bajcsy R, and Lotz JC. (2018) "Subject Specific Motion Assessment Using a Depth Camera: Initial Longitudinal Results of Spinal Fusion. 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland. 2018.